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Our Shopping Gallery

Where surprises are surprising

The shopping experience in ChorusLife Bergamo awaits you in a charming indoor shopping gallery, with specialized centers, offices and 30 stores of the best brands. A unique and comprehensive selection, designed to fulfil your needs every day, as well as offering exclusive services and promotions.


exclusive shops

10,000 sqm

Major brands

Mini market

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The beating heart of the smart district and Bergamo city

Building site

via Carlo Serassi, 26 - 24121 Bergamo

T/F +39 035 235236

Copyright © 2024 Chorus Life S.p.A. Socio unico | P.IVA 02162710160 | Capitale sociale € 28.000.000i.v. | R.E.A. BG 267795 | C.F./P.IVA 02162710160 | SDI BA6ET11